Sunday, October 02, 2011

X-Men Birthday Party

The invitation said:

Cerebro has identified you as possibly being a mutant, having various superpowers that can benefit all of humanity.
Please come to the Xavier School for the Gifted,
located at our house,
on Saturday, October 1st from 3:00 to 4:30.
We will determine if you can join the elite team of superheroes,
the X-Men!
And we’ll celebrate Jack and Jeb Mathews’
8th and 7th Birthdays!

The games:
After all the kids arrived, I welcomed the mutants to the Xavier Schoolf for the Gifted where they would learn to control their superpowers for the good of mankind like the X-Men do.  So our first task was to use the power of mind-control like Jean Gray.  We stood in the driveway, I told them to practice mind-control we would try opening the garage with our minds.  We all stared at the garage, and lo, and behold, it opened!  Then we used the same abilities to start Gamma's car (kind of like that VW Darth Vader commercial).

Our next game was to control our super-strength (like Juggernaut) by lifting a one-ton weight (actually two styrofoam balls on a wood dowel spray-painted black).

Then we learned to harness the power of teleportation as Nightcrawler can.  The kids took turns running through a wall (actually a bed sheet hanging from the trees).

We then headed to the backyard to learn to use lasers like Cyclops.  Each kid was given a can of silly string and they sprayed the "lasers" at targets of bad guys hanging on the fence.

They then learned to control the weather like Storm.  They created a rain and hailstorm by dropping waterballoons from the fort.

The last game was played at the end of the party: Wolverine tag.  It was played like freeze tag, but when you were tagged, you were to freeze and count to 20.  At 20, you were healed like Wolverine and could continue playing the game.

The cake:
Jeb requested a yellow cake, and Jack chocolate we had both.  And both were decorated with the X-men logo on top.

After cake and presents, I presented each "mutant" with a diploma signed by Jean Gray and Professor X.  On the back side of their diploma was a coloring page downloaded from the internet.

The favors:
The goody bags contained: they could be like Cyclops
an eyeball gumball
Nerds (because mutants are often considered nerds)
glow stick color their new page.

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