Thursday, May 26, 2011

A girl can dream, right?

The June issue of Southern Living, features a house in South Carolina.  I love the interior shots and the decor shots of the porch that are featured in this article online, but they didn't include online the exterior shot of the house...and if they did, you would see what I'm dreaming about.

If you have the issue, you can see, it has yellow siding, a red front door, white columns holding up it's wraparound porch on top of red brick supports, and black shutters.  So, I'm dreaming of replacing the metal awning roof over our wraparound porch with a real roof, held up by similar white columns.  The trim being painted white...with maybe some sort of architectural detail like on the trim of that house.  And the shutters being painted black.

I know this picture is wintery and snowy (even though it was taken near Eastertime a couple of years ago)--a far-cry from coastal South Carolina...but can you see it?  Can you dream with me?

1 comment:

Ella said...

I can totally see it...that description sounds just like your house!! i think you could make that dream happen! :)