Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 12: Gumbo

I have another Gumbo recipe on here somewhere, but tonight I made a recipe from The Square Table, a cookbook from the Yoknapatawpha (yeah, that's right) Arts Council in Oxford, Mississippi, if anything good can come out of there...I guess Stinky Rebels still gotta eat.

I was hoping that the boys would try it for dinner since they quickly remembered that Tiana made gumbo in The Princess and the Frog, but, alas, no luck.

1/3 c of butter
1/3 c of flour
1 1/2 c diced celery
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 16oz can tomato sauce
1 16oz can tomatoes, diced
1 T salt
1 t pepper
1 t dried thyme
3 bay leaves
1/2 c parsley
1 16oz pkg frozen okra
2 lbs peeled shrimp
1 t crushed red pepper
1 T Worcestershire

To make the roux, melt the butter over medium heat in a Dutch oven.  Add the flour.  Cook about 10 minutes or until it turns the color of a penny.  Add the celery, onions and garlic and cook until the onions are translucent.  Add the tomato sauce and the next 6 ingredients.  Simmer for an hour, stirring occasionally.  Add the okra and cook about 15 minutes.  Add the shrimp, pepper and Worcestershire and cook for another 10 minutes.  Remove the bay leaves and serve with rice.

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